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July 2021 | 4th Issue
The Scientific Program Committee Has Been Formed

    In this Issue

Abstract Submission Ends in 1 Month!
Message from Scientific Program Committee Chair
Introducing our APVRS 2021 Virtual Scientific Program Committee

    Abstract Submission Ends in 1 Month!


Don’t delay! The deadline to submit abstracts for the 14th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society (APVRS) Congress is fast approaching on Monday, July 19, 2021, at 11:59pm (GMT+8).

Besides free registrations, selected authors will also have the chance to win the abstract awards of: Best Free Paper, Best E-Poster, and Best Video Awards. The abstract submission guidelines ( will be the best tool to ensure that your abstract will be presented to its full potential.

Grab your chance to make an impact by showing your original research in this global vitreo-retinal platform!


    Message from Scientific Program Committee Chair


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The APVRS has been fully committed to promoting knowledge exchange and networking in the vitreo-retinal field. The APVRS 2021 Virtual will be another showcase of world-class scientific contents and delegates can even view it anytime and anywhere! Live Q&A and panel discussion will be featured in selected sessions, allowing delegates to interact and have their questions heard!

I am also most delighted to announce that our scientific committee is, once again, composed of top-notched ophthalmologists from the world. It is my great pleasure to welcome them on board, and our APVRS 2021 Virtual Congress will be a not-to-be-missed event filled with exceptional scientific contents in the vitreo-retinal field.

I am looking forward to seeing you online!

With Warmest Regards,

Paisan Ruamviboonsuk
Scientific Program Chair, APVRS 2021 Virtual
Scientific-Secretary, Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society


    Introducing our APVRS 2021 Virtual Scientific Program Committee


We are glad to announce that the formation of the Scientific Program Committee for the 14th APVRS Congress is now complete! Committee members from the Asia-Pacific and around the world will coordinate invited symposia and panel discussion featuring the latest advancements in the vitreo-retina subspecialty.



APVRS Secretariat


Phone: (852) 3892-5017
Fax: (852) 2715-9490

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