Dear Friends and Colleagues,
are at this stage when the scientific
session chairs are busily putting the
speakers and their presentations for
each symposium in place…. and it
looks like an exciting program is
emerging! This year’s congress promises
3 days with over 30 scientific sessions,
covering an array of topics …
up-to-date concepts, innovations, novel
therapies, the latest in imaging and
research. This will be a fruitful
platform for sharing insights, fostering
collaboration, and pushing the
boundaries of knowledge in our field.
meeting will feature collaborations with
the following organisations which will
co-sponsor symposia: the Asia Pacific
Ocular Imaging Society, the Canadian
Retina Society, EURETINA, the
International Uveitis Study Group, the
Macula Society, the National Eye
Institute, the Royal College of
Ophthalmologists, the Subthreshold
Ophthalmic Laser Society and the Vit
Buckle Society.
It is
with great pleasure that we extend a
cordial invitation to every one of you
to be part of the 17th Asia-Pacific
Vitreo-retina Society (APVRS) Congress
in Singapore. Over and above
gaining new medical insights, it’s time
to meet up with old friends and make new
ones. It’s also a legitimate excuse to
have a fun time re-discovering the
sights, shops, and mouth-watering,
savoury specialties of Singapore!
Warmest Regards,