Education and Training
Scientific Events
World Ophthalmology Congress 2022 Virtual
Date: September 9 – 12, 2022
Format: Virtual
- The WOC is the longest continuous international medical meeting, first held in 1857, organized by the International Council of Ophthalmology.
- Addressing ALL subspecialties and related interests in ophthalmology.
- Fully virtual format for the congress.
- Hosted by the Chinese Ophthalmological Society and in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology.
Please visit for more details.

The 14th Annual Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy)
Date: March 24-25, 2023
Venue: Lisbon, Portugal
The COPHy Congress will serve as an exclusive forum for international experts to debate, share and compare experiences that focus on controversies in ophthalmology, in order to discuss both sides of common management issues.
Each topic presented will be followed by a discussion of ophthalmologists experienced in the area being discussed.
Please visit for more details.

International Ophthalmic Conclave 2021
Date: February 21, 2021
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon (IST)
AIOS – Asia Pacific Vitreo – Retinal Society Symposium “Updates on AMD/PCV”
Dr. Timothy Lai (Hong Kong)
Dr. Atul Kumar (India)
Dr. Andrew Chang (Australia)
Dr. Mangat Dogra (India)
Dr. Paisan Ruamviboonsuk (Thailand)
Dr. Anand Rajendran (India)
Dr. Atul Kumar (India): Pachychoriod Disease – An Enigma
Dr. Timothy Lai (Hong Kong): Non-ICG diagnosis for PCV
Dr. Gemmy Cheung (Singapore): New insights into alterations of choroidal perfusion in PCV and CSC
Dr. Paisan Ruamviboonsuk (Thailand): AI for OCT imaging in AMD
Dr. Andrew Chang (Australia): Surgical intervention for submacular hemorrhage

AAO/APVRS International Retina Journal Club
Date: October 13, 2020
Time: 07:30 – 09:00 pm ET (webinar will begin at 8 pm)
Dr. Christopher Henry (AAO)
Dr. Andrew Chang (APVRS)
Dr. Dennis Lam: Infection control: COVID in Asia
Dr. Paisan Ruamviboonsuk: Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology in 2020: A Technology on the Cusp for Translation and Implementation
Dr. Timothy Lai: Update in Treatment of Polypoidal Vasculopathy

New Retinal Radio: COVID-19 and Retinal Societies Around the World
Date: May 7, 2020
Time: 08:00 am EDT
- Tarek Hassan, RWC: Associated Retinal Consultants and Beaumont School of Medicine
- Paisan Ruamviboonsuk, APVRS: Centre of Medical Excellence (Rajavithi Hospital)
- J. Fernando Arevalo, PAAO: Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins
- Anat Loewenstein, Euretina: Tel Aviv Medical Center

Venue: Room 241 (Level 2), the Palais des Congres, Paris, France
Date: September 7, 2019
Time: 08:00 – 09:30 am
Challenging Cases on Medical & Surgical Retina
Chairpersons: A. Chang (Australia), A. Koh (Singapore), P. Ruamviboonsuk (Thailand)
08.00 A. Chang (Australia): Surgical Management of Subretinal Haemorrhage in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
08.09 T. Lai (Hong Kong): Challenging Cases of Myopic Maculopathy
08.18 T. Das (India): Post Cataract Surgery Endophthalmitis After Intracameral Antibiotic and Comparative Efficacy of Intracameral Cefuroxime and Moxifloxacin in Endophthalmitis Prophylaxis in India
08.27 M. Ohji (Japan): A Challenging Case of Diabetic Macular Edema
08.36 A. Koh (Singapore): “Seeing Stars”
08.45 S.Y. Yu (South Korea): Yellow Depigmented Ring With Submacular Fluid
08.54 S.J. Sheu (Taiwan): Refractory Macular Edema in Ocular Tuberculosis
09.03 H. Terasaki (Japan): Challenging in Diagnosis and Treatment for Cnv in Hereditary Retinal Diseases
09.12 P. Ruamviboonsuk (Thailand): Submacular Fluid and Glaucoma
09.21 Discussion
09.30 End of Symposium

APVRS Symposium at the 18th EURETINA Congress
Venue: Room D2, Reed Messe Congress Centre, Vienna, Austria
Date: September 20, 2018
Time: 11:00 am– 12:30 pm
Present and Future Managements of Pathologic Myopia: Perspectives from Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society (APVRS)
Chairpersons: P. Ruamviboonsuk (Thailand), H. Terasaki (Japan), A. Chang (Australia)
11.00 T.Y. Wong (Singapore): Can we prevent myopia or stop progression of pathologic myopia?
11.15 T. Lai (Hong Kong): Preferred practices of anti-VEGF treatments for myopic CNV in Asia
11.30 H. Terasaki (Japan): Classification and management of myopic traction maculopathy
11.45 A. Chang (Australia): Complications of myopic maculopathy surgery
Panel Discussion on Interesting Cases
12.00 P. Ruamviboonsuk (Thailand): Case presentation
12.05 W. Ki Lee (South Korea): Case presentation
12.10 B. Chanana (India): Case presentation
12.15 S.J. Chen (Taiwan): Case presentation
12.20 K. Fong (Malaysia): A Case presentation
12.25 Discussion
12.30 End of Symposium

APVRS Symposium at the 17th EURETINA Congress
Venue: Room 113 (Level 1), Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB), Barcelona, Spain
Date: September 9, 2017
Time: 08:00 – 09:30 am
Traps and Complications of Medical and Surgical Retina
Interactive case presentations of masquerade, misdiagnosis and surgical misadventures. The symposium will cover myopic maculopathy, polypoidal vasculopathy, hereditary maculopathies, exudative retinal detachment, lymphoma and uveitis cases.
Chairpersons: A. Chang (Australia), A. Koh (Singapore)
Faculty: K. Kadonosono (Japan), K. Fong (Malaysia), S. Jiuan Sheu (Taiwan), L. Lee (Australia), T.Y. Lai (Hong Kong), P. Ruamviboonsuk (Thailand), S-Y. Yu (Korea), A. Chang (Australia), A. Koh (Singapore), A. Tan (Singapore)

Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week
The Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society has had the opportunity to work with the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, the Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society, the Asia-Pacific Society of Eye Genetics, the Asia-Pacific Society of Ocular Oncology and Pathology and the Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society to co-organize the first Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week from January 2 – 8, 201 2. Two major highlights of the Eye Care Week are APAO Eye Screening Day and Free Cataract Surgery Program Kick-Off Ceremony.
Five live radio shows on common eye diseases were broadcast on five Mondays running from December 2011 to January 2012. Details of the talk are listed as follows:
- Age-related macular degeneration and common retinal diseases – by Dr David Liu (APVRS)
- Squint, amblyopia, and common eye diseases in children – by Dr Flora Lau (APSPOS)
- Glaucoma – who is at risk? – by Prof Clement Tham (APGS)
- Myopia and other common inheritable diseases of the eye – by Prof Calvin Pang (APSEG)
- Elimination of preventable blindness in Hong Kong & China – by Prof Dennis Lam (APAO)
On the APAO Eye Screening Day held on January 8th, 2012 in Hong Kong, 230 patients with myopia had turned up to have their eyes examined. Examinations to be conducted include:
- Best corrected visual acuity
- Non-contact tonometry
- Slit lamp examination and dilated fundoscopy
It turned out that a total of 64 individuals needed referral, two of which even needed urgent ophthalmological attention as they had previously unknown retinal tears with risk of retinal detachment. Seventy percent (N = 161) of the participants aged 50 or above and 24 of them had retinal or macular problems, while 18 were glaucoma suspects. Ten were found to have cataract.
Finally, with the help of St. James’ Settlement, a local charitable organization, 200 underprivileged senior citizens have been recruited to enjoy free cataract surgery sponsored by One Foundation, which was founded by Mr. Jet Li, an international movie star and a Chinese martial artist. The first batch of patients had already had surgical treatment in the first week of January. They shared with the general public their joy of being able to see again during the kick-off ceremony of free cataract surgery program in which Mr. Jet Li had attended as an officiating guest. Mr. Jet Li said he was well aware of the prevalence cataract blindness in both Hong Kong and mainland China and he was glad that he could have the chance to help the visually impaired in Hong Kong.